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This section looks at the historical background to the novel. This may be of interest to people who have finished the novel and want further information or for anyone thinking of reading the novel to get an idea of what 1st Century world was like.

If you read these sections before you have read the novel I have tried to keep spoilers to a minimum, but be warned it will give general clues as to the circumstances the main characters will find themselves in.

1st Century Britain was a mix of Roman occupied areas and British towns and villages which the Romans had so far left alone. Click on the image for a description of how people lived.

The Romans were famous for their cruelty towards slaves. Click on the image to the left to find out more about how slaves were treated in the 1st Century AD.

Gladiators were both loved and despised by Roman society. Click on the image to the left to find out how gladiators lived and died.

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